Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Almost the end!

Yesterday in class we took our final test of the year over stoichometry. I am very pleased with this because I do not appreciate the stoich. problems. I am anxious to see my grade and considering it was only 12 problems I feel as if I did pretty good. I hope to study as much as possible before the chemistry final on Friday morning. I am definitely not anticipating the final because it will be my hardest one.  


This website I've found has helped me learn and better understand how to complete the stoichometry problems. I was forgetting the middle step in which you apply the molar quantities from the balanced chemical equation. I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong until I finally wen on the Internet and clearly saw that I was forgetting a very important step of the process. 

Reflection of 12-08-15

In class, we had our very first stoichometry quiz. I didn't do my best and it just proves how much more I need to study. I could not remember the steps to attain the answer on the stoichometry questions so it had a negative effect on the grade in which I received. Overall, I need to push myself to make it through the semester and not get lazy!!

Copper Lab

In class, we conducted the copper lab. We mixed copper (II) chloride and iron and it made copper. We then siphoned out the iron chloride solution and added hydrochloric acid. We siphoned it out and then added water. We siphoned the water out and then set the copper out to dry. This lab was interesting and had a cool end result. 
This was our final product

Monday, November 23, 2015

Daily Reflection 11-23-15

Today we had our first chemical reactions test. It was somewhat difficult because I forgot to study for it. Directly after we learned about acid-base reactions and how the driving force is the production of water. This is what we did did today in first hour. 

Friday, November 20, 2015

Reflection Of 11-20-15

Today in first hour we conducted the Chemical Reactions lab and it was a fairly interesting time. The pre lab test was not difficult, but I didn't pass due to some simple errors that I made while balancing the equation. My partner and I quickly corrected our mistakes and understood how to fix them next time. We then gained permission to go back into the lab from Mrs. Frankenberg. 

We filled several pipets with various chemicals and mixed them cautiously in a well plate. We recorded whether or not a solid formed and then found the chemical equation. Overall it was a fun lab but I need to study my solubility rules a little more. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Saying Goodbye to Chemical Composition..For Now..

Monday marked the end of the current unit and boy am I happy. I did not like the chemical composition questions or anything about it in general. I will see more of it next unit so I am enjoying this little break while it lasts. 

Failing The Pre-Lab To Formula Of a Hydrate

Before the Formula of a Hydrate lab, we were instructed to find the ratio of anhydrate salt to the amount of water driven off. I understood the question and the math but I didn't set it up correctly which destined me for failure. Instead of doing the lab and heating the salt to drive the water off, my lab partner and I were given the data and we performed the calculations from there. It was not very fun to fail the lab so I went and studied this website which helped me a ton. 

Reflection On November 13th

Today we took our unit quiz and despite it only being 18 questions it was pretty hard. It was the first time I saw questions of this kind so I was a little scared but in the end I feel as if I did well. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Daily Reflection

Yesterday we took our unit test over chemical composition and it was an awful first period of the day. I did not complete the last 5 questions or so, thus I was forced to bubble in random answers on the scantron. With each and every bubble I darkened in, I said goodbye to my grade and shed a few tears throughout the process.

I reviewed this video before the test which I believe helped me out.
Chemical Composition Video 

Friday, November 13, 2015

Helpful Website To Study Chemistry With..

The Khan Academy is a very helpful website that has tons of videos and content and even online lectures on how to do certain things that are used in chemistry. I find myself referring to this website when I am in need of a little help or even just to refresh my memory on the lesson.

Khan Academy Chemistry 

Reflection of the Lab on 11-12-15

Yesterday we conducted the Formula of a Chloride Lab in first hour. We prepared our reactants after weighing them and then mixed the Zinc pebble with the 11.25 ml of M3 HCl and it produced a somewhat violent reaction. The piece of zinc started to break up and then started fizzing and bubbling. It was interesting to watch the small pieces of zinc all bubbling at once but then I started to get a headache. I was not even close to the beaker with the watch glass on top and it was still burning my nose. This was the only drawback, but it was still a very fun lab to participate in.
Above is a picture of the Zinc having an exothermic reaction with the HCl.
This was towards the end of the reaction whenever the acid started to finally be driven off.
This was right before we removed the beaker from the hotplate. The piece of zinc was completely gone and so was all the hydrochloric acid. This reaction yielded ZnCl2. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Daily Reflection

Today was our weekly quiz over Chemical Composition. I woke up late for school and then came in 1st hour and took the test. It was challanging in some spots and fairly easy in others. I definitely should have invested more time in studying but my time was limited due to my hockey schedule. I will put the homework and studying before hockey from here on out to make sure that I do better in the class. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Reflection On Mole Day

Today we had our mole party to celebrate Mole Day. Everyone brought in snacks and drinks and I worked on work from another class. The moles that everyone crafted were creative and humorous. As I looked at all the other moles, I realized that my mole was inferior in creativity. Overall, it was nice to have a relaxing morning and be able to get some work done for my other classes.

Reflecting On Today's Test 10-27-15

Today in class we learned about dimensional analysis. We learned how to convert units by hand and were informed on what was expected of us on Friday. I also took a test today after school over significant figures and physical and chemical changes. I feel as if I did fairly well on it because it was not too challanging.  

Weekly Reflection 10-22

Last week we went through our matter and measurement unit and then had our mole party to finish the week off. It was a easy week due to the math involved.  

Friday, October 9, 2015

Weekly Blog 10-9-15

Today we once again had a study/work day. Yesterday we concluded the aspirin lab and we came out with some good looking results. We scraped our acetylsalicylic acid crystals out of our beaker and put them onto a Pyrex watch glass. My lab partner and I put this out to dry over Fall Break to ensure there is no other contaminants within the product. Below are some pictures that were taken throughout the course of our experiment.
This was during the first day of the experiment. We placed the sulfuric acid, acetic anhydride, and the salicylic acid into the Erlenmeyer flask and then put it in a hot water bath for 12 minutes.
This picture is the first picture we took of the crystals after they formed overnight on the first night. After this, we scraped all of them out with a glass stir rod and put them into the top of our buchner funnel. This was a tedious process due to the fact that the solid crystals did not want to remain in the center of the filter paper.  
The picture above is when my lab partner and I retrieved our acetylsalicylic acid from the Buchner funnel. The purpose of the funnel was to separate the solid product from the liquid. 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Class Reflection 10-6-15

Today, and yesterday as well, we have had study hall days in class. They have been of great assistance because it has allowed me to get 100% caught up in all my classes. While today and yesterday have been fairly lackadaisical, tomorrow my partner and I start the lab. I have gone over the procedure for tomorrow's aspirin lab and hope to ace the pre-lab quiz so I can conduct the experiment.
The picture above is showing the lab setup for the lab tomorrow. My lab partner and I must both pass the pre-lab questions so wish us luck!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Atomic Theory and Radioactivity

Today marked the end of Atomic Theory and Radioactivity. Yesterday we took the unit test and today, on 10-2-2015, we started lab preparation for the Aspirin lab. We did a mock run through the lab and Mrs. Frankenberg demonstrated what do do and how to do it.

Class Reflection

Monday we obtained our slips of paper that we cut into 567 different pieces. My partner Tom and I came back to class on Tuesday and had our assignment was finished. We created our lab write up and then turned it in. We had a graph explaining the decay of Beanium and  the half-life as well. To conclude we spent the whole class time on Monday cutting the paper and counting it.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Atomic Theory and Radioactivity Reflection Post 3

Last week we conducted our Beanium Lab in class. I forgot to print out the lab worksheet so I had to quickly run to the library and print one from Schoology. After that, my lab partner and I finished our experiment which consisted of counting different types of beans and finding the average atomic mass of them. I could not access Adobe Editor of Microsoft Word so I was forced to submit my papers by taking a picture of them. I felt ashamed in doing so but I did not want to get a zero or a late grade.

Atomic Theory and Radioactivity Reflection Post 2

Earlier this week, on Wednesday, we had a test over Atomic Theory and Radioactivity. It was not too challenging but I did not get a 100%. I will study and review more for my next test to ensure an A. There was Nomenclature questions and questions about Dalton's postulates. I have about 50% of my star log done and I am anticipating finishing by the deadline.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Atomic Theory and Radioactivity Reflection Post 9-16-15

Today we had our first lecture over atomic theory and radioactivity. I was attentive because i found it very interesting. We learned about Dalton's 5 postulates, the Law of Constant Composition and how to figure out the percentage of a given element in a compound. We also learned about JJ Thomson's cathode experiment and Rutherford's gold foil experiment and how it deflected alpha particles. we had a pre-test yesterday over the new unit. I feel as if I didn't do my best but i will definitely improve my score throughout the chapter.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Frontier Chemistry Project Reflection

During class today we finished up our blogs for the Frontier Chemistry Project portion. The hardest part for me was finding the plants in person and physically taking a picture of them. I excelled in the information gathering about the various plants. For me, the most fun was writing the essay with our given maladies. I know that sounds crazy but I felt like I was putting all my hard work to good use. It was also fun to think as if I was actually stuck in the wild with a broken leg and a gunshot wound. Overall I enjoyed the project but I disliked the picture taking.

Reflective Post

During Chemistry class today we learned about how to do our daily blogs. Previously we learned about naming Type I, II, and III compounds. We also learned about the polyatomic ions. We had multiple tests over the curriculum. I had fun with the naming acids part because it made me more aware of the chemical compositions of common acids.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Hi my name is Tim S.

  • I am a Junior at FHHS.
  • I was born in Moscow, Russia. 
  • I have dual-citizenship.
  • My hobbies include playing hockey and golf. I also like to go hunting and fishing.
  • When I get older I would like to attend Missouri S&T and then become an aerospace engineer.
  • I have a sister that also attends Francis Howell High.
  •  My goals for the class to obtain a better understanding of chemistry and of course, pass the class