Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Almost the end!

Yesterday in class we took our final test of the year over stoichometry. I am very pleased with this because I do not appreciate the stoich. problems. I am anxious to see my grade and considering it was only 12 problems I feel as if I did pretty good. I hope to study as much as possible before the chemistry final on Friday morning. I am definitely not anticipating the final because it will be my hardest one.  


This website I've found has helped me learn and better understand how to complete the stoichometry problems. I was forgetting the middle step in which you apply the molar quantities from the balanced chemical equation. I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong until I finally wen on the Internet and clearly saw that I was forgetting a very important step of the process. 

Reflection of 12-08-15

In class, we had our very first stoichometry quiz. I didn't do my best and it just proves how much more I need to study. I could not remember the steps to attain the answer on the stoichometry questions so it had a negative effect on the grade in which I received. Overall, I need to push myself to make it through the semester and not get lazy!!

Copper Lab

In class, we conducted the copper lab. We mixed copper (II) chloride and iron and it made copper. We then siphoned out the iron chloride solution and added hydrochloric acid. We siphoned it out and then added water. We siphoned the water out and then set the copper out to dry. This lab was interesting and had a cool end result. 
This was our final product

Monday, November 23, 2015

Daily Reflection 11-23-15

Today we had our first chemical reactions test. It was somewhat difficult because I forgot to study for it. Directly after we learned about acid-base reactions and how the driving force is the production of water. This is what we did did today in first hour. 

Friday, November 20, 2015

Reflection Of 11-20-15

Today in first hour we conducted the Chemical Reactions lab and it was a fairly interesting time. The pre lab test was not difficult, but I didn't pass due to some simple errors that I made while balancing the equation. My partner and I quickly corrected our mistakes and understood how to fix them next time. We then gained permission to go back into the lab from Mrs. Frankenberg. 

We filled several pipets with various chemicals and mixed them cautiously in a well plate. We recorded whether or not a solid formed and then found the chemical equation. Overall it was a fun lab but I need to study my solubility rules a little more. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Saying Goodbye to Chemical Composition..For Now..

Monday marked the end of the current unit and boy am I happy. I did not like the chemical composition questions or anything about it in general. I will see more of it next unit so I am enjoying this little break while it lasts.