

Common Mullein 

 (Verbascum Thapsus)

Common Mullein thrives throughout the United States in the Tall Grass Prairie and the Eastern Deciduous Forest. Common Mullein can be utilized to treat frostbite and malaria as well. It contains Oleonolic Acid which is what prevents and heals malaria. Oleonolic Acids chemical formula is C30H48O3. To use this plant medicinally, you must extract oil from the flowers to treat frostbite. A tea of the flowers and leaves can be used to treat coughs, sore throats, and malaria. A medicinal poultice can be used externally to treat sunburn. Boiling the roots can make a decoction that is very useful in numbing the pain of toothaches. An oil made from the flowers and/or roots can be used to treat fungal infections due to Mullein's fungicide properties. 

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White Willow
(salix alba)

The White willow is found in the Eastern Deciduous Forest and the Tall Grass Prairie.
It prefers temperate areas with direct sunlight and plenty of moisture. The active chemical ingredient in the bark of the willow tree is salicin. To ingest this chemical, you can make a tea from the bark or just directly suck/chew on the bark. By taking salicin, you can reduce pain stimuli and inflammation.The branches are malleable and lengthy so they make excellent cordage. You can construct a temporary splint with some sturdy sticks and the branches from the willow. This can cure any malady that has pain/swelling symptoms. The chemical formula of salicin is C13H18O7.
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