English Plantain
Plantago Lanceolata
The English Plantain is found in both the Eastern Deciduous Forest and the Tall Grass Prairie. It is a highly valued herd due to its medicinal properties. The roots can be used to heal snakebites. A decoction of dried leaves promotes blood clotting. Leaves made into a poultice can stop bleeding, heal sores, blisters, and reduce swelling. After being bitten by any bug you can rub fresh plantain leaves around the affected area to reduce swelling and the irritation to itch. A tea made from the leaves can help with diarrhea. The main chemical compound in the Plantain is aucubin. It's chemical formula is C15H22O9.
Black Walnut
(Juglans Nigra)
The black walnut tree is found in both the Eastern Deciduous Forest and the Tall Grass Prairie. It has the ability to heal open wounds and sores with the oil from the walnut. A leaf decoction can be used to heal skin irritations like boils and sores. The leaves, bark, and walnut hulls are all used medicinally. You can make a tincture from the leaves for skin and external afflictions. A tea can also be made from the leaves and bark to speed up the healing process of wounds and also as a laxative. You can eat the walnut as it is full of vitamins and minerals. The chemical in the walnut is tannin. Tannin's chemical formula is C27H24O18.
Common Juniper
(Juniperus communis)
The common juniper is found in the the Eastern Deciduous Forest and the Tall Grass Prairie. It is usually found in fields and rocky areas with well drained soil. Can be found at the edge of the woods. It has many medicinal benefits thus being a valuable plant to be able to properly identify. It has small berries all over it that are responsible for most of the healing. They can heal snake bites by creating an oil from the fruits and topically applying. You can also apply this to wounds as a disinfectant. Beware the fruits for they are toxic in frequently high doses. Juniper's active chemical ingredient is alpha selinene. The chemical formula for it is C15H24.
alpha-selinene Juniper
Black-eyed Susan
(Rudbeckia hirta)
The Black-eyed Susan is found only on the prairie but you may be able to spot it in clearings in the woods or at the edge of tree lines. The black eyed susan is a small flower but has great medicinal properties. It can alleviate cold/flu symptoms from a tea from the leaves and roots, so it is good for malaria. It can treat snakebites with a wash made from the roots. A leaf poultice can be concocted to heal snakebites as well. The final healing property is a root wash to reduce swelling and to heal minor cuts, scrapes, and sores. The active chemical ingredient in the black eyed susan is pulchelin. It's chemical formula is C15H22O4.
PulchelinBlack-Eyed Susan
White Pine Tree
(Pinus strobus)
The white pine is the tallest native coniferous tree. It is found in only wooded areas and has many medicinal purposes. Those include: suppressing cold and flu symptoms, accelerating the healing process, bracing broken limbs, and stitching together wounds like knife cuts and ax wounds. A section of custom cut bark can be fixed to the broken limb to act as a temporary cast. Directly applying the sap of the tree can stop bleeding and initiate the healing process. Sapling bark can be used as stitches for wounds that are gaping and need to be sealed fast. A tincture can be crafted from the pine resin/sap to treat a cough/cold. A tea made from the needles can treat a sore throat. The active chemical ingredient in the white pine is chrysin. The chemical formula is C15H10O4. The dried inner bark also contains 10% tannin.
Chrysin Tannin
A very tall pine
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